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Image by John Schnobrich

Corporate Advice

Morgan Conley Solicitors are qualified to advise and establish corporate and trust structures for clients to meet their needs and can assist with drafting documents including ASIC compliance documents, constitutions, board minutes, shareholders’ and unit holders’ agreements.


Our team have experience advising boards and company office holders at all levels to comply with their obligations.


We have been appointed attorneys and Chairpersons of board meetings of a hostile and combative nature.


With the introduction of legislation concerning Managed Investment Scheme and Financial  Services, businesses need specialised advice on the intricacies of these corporate law issues and we have assisted clients to deal with this.n landmark cases in a variety of industries, setting judicial precedent.


Our approach to litigation is to be prepared for every contingency, ahead of schedule.  We consider our client’s aims to be the most important part of any dispute and make it our aim to ensure that our clients adopt a well considered, fully advised position with a clear strategy for success.


Our clients in industries as diverse as finance, stockbroking, accounting, property development, manufacturing, retail, waste management and labour hire rely on our ability to assess a crisis on short notice, devise strategies to resolve disputes and manage resources from a variety of sources to minimise the damage that litigation can do to their business.

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